Last year my New Year’s resolution was to read Ulysses by James Joyce. I read an annotated version, which was essentially like reading two books. When the annotations started referring to other annotations, sometimes even two or three other annotations, I thought of forgetting about it. But I’m nothing if I’m not persistent. Also, how could I live with myself if I didn’t follow through on a NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION?
It took me ten months, but I got through it. Would I recommend it? Nope. Not unless you have a deep knowledge of Irish history and a slightly masochistic bent.
Next year I may well read one or more of your recommendations, Kier, as they seem eminently sensible and I no longer trust my own judgement in these matters.
By the way, Happy Holidays!!
P.S.: Beware of New Year’s Resolutions. They can be a bitch.
I luv that you include Homesick for Another World, that’s basically the book that made me realize I could definitely write short stories and the passage about the guy who pours his own pints in the bar where they play Joanna Newsom is a continual source of inspiration.
Last year my New Year’s resolution was to read Ulysses by James Joyce. I read an annotated version, which was essentially like reading two books. When the annotations started referring to other annotations, sometimes even two or three other annotations, I thought of forgetting about it. But I’m nothing if I’m not persistent. Also, how could I live with myself if I didn’t follow through on a NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION?
It took me ten months, but I got through it. Would I recommend it? Nope. Not unless you have a deep knowledge of Irish history and a slightly masochistic bent.
Mind you, when I think of the people who took twenty eight years to get through Finnegan’s Wake as part of a book club, (, I realize I might have taken the wrong approach altogether.
Next year I may well read one or more of your recommendations, Kier, as they seem eminently sensible and I no longer trust my own judgement in these matters.
By the way, Happy Holidays!!
P.S.: Beware of New Year’s Resolutions. They can be a bitch.
I am hereby crowning this the funniest comment of the year. Thanks for your unrecommendation; I'll make sure to steer clear!
I luv that you include Homesick for Another World, that’s basically the book that made me realize I could definitely write short stories and the passage about the guy who pours his own pints in the bar where they play Joanna Newsom is a continual source of inspiration.
There's just something so visceral and resonant about her writing! Turns out my sister also loves this collection. I'm going to read Lapvona next.
Thanks so much, Kimi! I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas and winter holiday.